symfinder Demos

This site references all demos of the symfinder toolchain.

Feature traces format description

ArgoUML traces format

Feature traces are separated in multiple files, one for each feature, and the name of the file corresponds to the name of the feature (e.g. FEATURE_A.txt contains all features for the FEATURE_A feature).

Traces may have multiple granularities, and are declared this way:

  • Class level trace (complete class):
  • Method level trace (complete method):
<class_full_name> <method_name_with_parameters>
  • Class refinement trace (part of a class):
<class_full_name> Refinement
  • Method refinement trace (part of a method):
<class_full_name> <method_name_with_parameters> Refinement


  • Class level trace: org.argouml.uml.diagram.activity.ui.UMLActivityDiagram
  • Method level trace: org.argouml.persistence.ModelMemberFilePersister registerDiagramsInternal(Project,Collection,boolean)
  • Class refinement trace: org.argouml.ui.cmd.ShortcutMgr Refinement
  • Method refinement trace: org.argouml.ui.explorer.ExplorerPopup ExplorerPopup(Object,MouseEvent) Refinement

Sat4j traces format

Feature traces are located in a unique file. They may have multiple granularities, and are declared this way:

  • Class level trace (complete class):
(CLASS|INTERFACE) <class_full_name> <class_package_name> <feature_name>
  • Method level trace (complete method):
METHOD <method_name_with_parameters> <method_class_name> <feature_name>
  • Field trace:
FIELD <field_name> <field_class_name> <feature_name>


  • Class level trace: INTERFACE org.sat4j.specs.SearchListener org.sat4j.specs searchlistener/user
  • Method level trace: METHOD provideUnitClauses(org.sat4j.specs.UnitPropagationListener) unitclauseprovider/expert
  • Field trace: FIELD NO_SIMPLIFICATION org.sat4j.minisat.core.Solver simplifications/expert